What keys are the switches mapped to on a Speech Case?

mayo 16, 2018

When the Speech Case is in touch mode, switches send the following for Tobii Dynavox scanning:
● Switch 1 — Space key
● Switch 2 — Enter key
When the Speech Case is in touch mode, set the Access Method in your Tobii Dynavox apps to Scanning and set Switch
1 to Space and Switch 2 to Enter.

When the Speech Case is in iOS scanning mode, switches send the following by default:
● Switch 1 — Select
● Switch 2 — Move to next item
When the Speech Case is in iOS scanning mode and paired to the iPad by Bluetooth, iOS Switch Control is turned on
automatically and 2 Switches are created for 2-Switch Step Scan. Set the Access Method in your Tobii Dynavox apps to
Touch. For Autoscan, change the switches in iOS Switches to only 1 switch, with the Action “Select.”

For other switch options, consult your iOS user’s manual Switch Control section or your Tobii Dynavox app user’s manual