What is the Windows Settings Utility?

junio 02, 2020

On the desktop screen of your device you will see a green icon labeled windows settings utility. Within this menu you will have four options to select from whether you'd like to enable or disable the functions. Here is a breakdown of what each of those functions do when enabled:

Enable Edge Swipe — make sure the check box is checked to enable the Windows 10 Edge Swipe function.
Edge Swipe is “enabled” by default. Edge Swiping will bring up the quick “Action Center” menu from the right side of
the screen.

Enable Lock Screen — make sure the check box is checked to enable the Lock Screen.
The Lock Screen is “disabled” by default. This option is important if a user would like to use “Kiosk Mode” on the device.
The Lock Screen must be enabled to use Kiosk Mode. Kiosk Mode is a great way to really lock the device down to the
use of one app, such as Snap, and will not allow the user to access other programs on the device.

Enable Run Snap at Startup — make sure the check box is checked to automatically Run the Snap software when
the Indi 7 is starting up.
Run Snap at Startup is “disabled” by default.

Enable Home Button — Not valid for the Indi 7