What gets backed up with One Drive Backup?

agosto 10, 2020

One Drive Backup is a feature on all Tobii Dynavox devices that use have Configuration Manager installed and use a Microsoft Account for sign-in.  There are many benefits to OneDrive backup.  With OneDrive backup you have 5.0 GB of space available.  The files are no longer located on the device itself so if the device gets lost, stolen, or replaced all of your data is still accessible with a new device.  Older versions of files are backed up so if a file is corrupt and gets backed up, you can go back in history to find a file before the corruption occurred.

For more information about OneDrive and how to use it, please follow this link to Microsoft's website. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/onedrive

The files that get backed up from your Tobii Dynavox device are listed below:

All devices will include:

  • Documents\Communicator 5
  • %appdata%\Tobii Dynavox\ALL
  • %appdata%\Tobii Dynavox\Communicator\5
  • %appdata%\DynaVox\Compass\lang
  • %appdata%\Tobii Dynavox\Snap Scene
  • %localappdata%\Packages\TobiiDynavox.TobiiDynavoxSnap_kh8a6zk6486qm\LocalState
I-Series will also include:
  • %appdata%\Tobii
  • %appdata%\Tobii Dynavox\Computer Control\Profiles
  • %appdata%\Tobii Dynavox\EyeAssist
EM12 will also include:
  • %appdata%\Tobii
  • %appdata%\Tobii Dynavox\EyeAssist
  • %appdata%\Tobii Dynavox\Gaze Selection