v6 Boardmaker basics tutorial

octubre 01, 2018

Draw a button

  • Click once on the Button Tool. (click and let go) 
  • Move the cursor onto your board.
  • Click and hold your mouse and drag out the button size and shape you want.
Note: You need to click on the Button Tool for each new button you wish to create.

Spray a button
  • Click once on the Spray Tool. 
  • Click and hold your mouse in the button you wish to spray.
  • Spray across and down to form a grid.
Note: If you spray a button that has something in it, the content will be in all of the sprayed buttons as well!

Place a symbol
  • Click on the Silly Guy to open the Symbol Finder. 
  • In the top rectangle type the word you are searching for.
  • Click on the Thumbnail View to see all symbols that met your search. 
  • Place symbols in one of the following ways:
    • Press enter and the symbol will enter the button with a red frame.
    • Click in the button that you want the symbol to be placed in.
    • In the thumbnail view, right-click on your mouse to place symbols into your grid, while keeping the thumbnail view open. 
Note: You can change the symbol label (a one time change) by typing the label name in the bottom rectangle.

Add color
  • To color a button:
    • Select the button or buttons.
    • Click on the Color Tool.
    • Make sure the word Button is selected.
    • Select your color.
  • To color the border of a button:
    • Select the button or buttons.
    • Click on the Color Tool.
    • Make sure the word Border is selected.
    • Select your color.
  • To color the background of a board:
    • Click on the background.
    • Click on the Color Tool.
    • Select your color.

Use paint tools
You must click directly on a symbol for the paint tools to be accessible. Make sure you are using your Pointer Tool to select a symbol. When you do this, the paint tools will appear in the toolbar for you to use only on the symbol you selected.
  • You can flip horizontal, flip vertical and rotate a symbol. 
  • You can erase any portion of the symbol. 
  • You can use the two paint cans to paint portions of the symbol.
    • Use the paint can on the left, the Fill Tool, to paint a single portion of a symbol to the black border.
    • Use the paint can on the right, the Fill All Tool, to paint each part of a symbol that is the same color.
  • To use the paint cans:
    • Select a symbol and click on the Fill Tool or Fill All Tool.
    • Open the Color Tool and select the color you wish to use.
    • Place the cursor (paint can) in the center of the portion you’d like to paint.

Use text
  • Click on the Text Tool 
  • Click anywhere in a button or on the background and type.
  • Right-click or go to “Text” (at the top of your screen) to change font or text size.
  • Using the Pointer Tool, click on the text to move it.

Selecting buttons
  • Click on the Pointer Tool. 
  • To select a single button, click on the button (near the border). When it is selected, the single button will be highlighted with a red dotted line.
  • To select a row or column of symbols, click and drag until a portion of each button is selected. When you let go, the buttons you selected will be highlighted with a green dotted line. 
Note: Be sure you’re selecting the button and not the symbol within the button! Check if the border of the button is highlighted with a dotted line or if the symbol within the button is highlighted with a dotted line!

Manipulating buttons
  • To move a button:
    • Select the button.
    • Place the Pointer in the center of the button.
    • Click and hold your mouse and drag the button where you want it. Your cursor will turn into a hand.
    • You can move multiple buttons by selecting more than one button and then following the steps.
  • To change the size or shape of a button:
    • Select the button.
    • Place the Pointer on the border of the button until a double-headed arrow appears. Try the bottom right corner to begin
    • Click and hold your mouse and drag the button to the size or shape you’d like.

  • To delete a button, select the button or buttons and press “delete” or “back space” on your keyboard.
  • To delete text, select the text and press “delete” or “back space” on your keyboard.
  • To delete a symbol, select the symbol and press “delete” or “back space” on your keyboard.