Switch Settings in Control Center Causes Unintended Actions in Communicator or Compass

mayo 25, 2016

A user may call to state something odd is occurring each time they press their switch.  Sometimes they call to state the volume increases or decreases on its own.  This may be due to an action set up in Control Center for switch presses.  

Some may need an action set up in Control Center to access third party software with their switches.  If that is the case please follow the steps below.

1.  Make sure Control Center or newer is installed.
2.  Add an action in the opening of the pageset in Communicator or Compass to run Control Center with the argument -toggleswitches.
3.  In Communicator and Compass add an action when exiting to again run Control Center with the argument -toggleswitches.
4.  Create a shortcut on the desktop that starts Control Center with the argument -toggleswitches.  The user will need to run this shortcut when the third party software that requires the switch actions is not in use and wants to access Windows.

The argument -toggleswitches toggles between enabling and disabling the switch actions.