My media

octubre 01, 2018

Please note this article applies only to Personal, Professional, and District subscription accounts.

You can upload your own photos, videos, and audio files to your media library.

Upload a Media File

  1. Select My Boardmaker. Then select the My Media tab. Your media library will open.  
    My Boardmaker
  2. Select Upload File.  The Upload File dialog will open. 
    Upload File (image, Video, Audio)  
    The Upload File dialog lists the types of files that you can upload.
  3. Select Browse and select the file you want to upload. The Upload File dialog will populate as shown in the illustration below. 
    Upload File (Image, Video, Audio)
  4. Name the file, and (optional for images) assign it a label and, to use the image when symbolating, select the Symbolate image check box.)
  5. Select Save.

Edit a Media File

  1. Open your Media Library.
  2. Select the Edit icon next to the media file you want to edit. The Upload File  dialog will open. 
    My Boardmaker
  3. Change the file name. (On media files you can also change the label and symbolate properties.)
  4. Select Save.

Delete a Media File

  1. Open your Media Library.
  2. Select the Delete icon next to the media file you want to edit. 
    My Boardmaker 
    The Delete Media Asset dialog will open. 
    Delete Media Asset
  3. Select Yes to delete the media file.
  4. Select OK  on the Media Item Deleted Successfully dialog. 
    Media Item Deleted Successfully