How Do I setup switches on an I-110, I-12, or I-15 to work in Grid 3?

febrero 07, 2019

The following requires Grid 3, version 3.0.38 or newer.

You can now connect one or two switches to the switch ports of an I-110, an I-12, or I-15 and have switch access work in Grid 3. The key is to NOT use the Windows Settings Utility in this case – instead, please do the following:

  1. In Grid 3, select the Menu bar.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Select Access.
  4. Select Switches.
  5. Select Connection.
  6. Select the drop-down menu and choose Keyboard.
  7. Select Switch 1 in the list.
  8. Select Change Key.
  9. Activate the switch that is plugged into Switch Port 1. The menu will close and return to the list of switches.
  10. Repeat steps 7 through 9 with changes to reflect Switch 2
Switch 1 will now read the correct key equivalent (F18) and Switch 2 will now read as (F19).