How Do I Keep Someone Out of the Edit Tool?

octubre 02, 2017

Enable Passcode
The Passcode can be used to keep unauthorized users (ex: children) out of the editing tools in the Snap Scene software. When enabled,
the correct passcode is required to access the tools.

Enable Passcode
1. Select Show Tools.
2. Select Settings.
3. Select System Options.
4. Check the Enable Passcode box. If the box is already checked, select Change Passcode.
5. Enter the four digit passcode you would like to use. Use something unique and difficult to guess.
6. Enter the passcode again to verify it.
7. To test your passcode, select Back, then Hide Tools, then Show Tools. The Enter Passcode popup
will open.
8. Enter your passcode. The correct passcode will allow you to show the tools.

To disable the passcode, simply uncheck the box in the System Options section of the Settings menu.
If you forget your passcode, use the universal unlock code 0520 to access the Settings and reset your passcode.