How do I iOS reset the iPad for a SC Tablet or TD Pilot to set it up again?

marzo 09, 2020

The iPad that comes with the Speech Case (SC Tablet) or TD Pilot may need the iOS reset to receive the most up-to-date apps from Tobii Dynavox.  Please follow the steps below.

  1. Access the Settings icon on the home page of the iPad
  2. Select the General settings on the left column
  3. On the right column, select the Transfer or Resetoption, you may need to scroll down to see it.
  4. Select the Erase All Content and Settings.
  5. Erase This iPad
  6. Confirm this option with Continue
  7. You must enter the Pass codefor this iPad
  8. You must enter the Apple ID password to continue
  9. Message: Are you sure you want to continue? All Media, data,and settings will be erased. this cannot be undone.
  10. Select the Erase iPad  in RED
  11. The Apple icon will appear on the screen with a progress bar. It will go black and again an Apple icon will appear and another progress bar.
  12. Finally the Hello Screen will appear.
  13. Press the home button. Round button on the iPad.
  14. Select the language you want
  15. Select the region
  16. Quick Start
  17. Select Set up Manually !!!! Important to select Manually!!!!
  18. Choose a Wi-Fi Network
  19. Enter the Wi-fi network password.
  20. Select the Nextoption in the upper right corner.
  21. A message will appear this may take a few minutes.
  22. Remote Management
  23. Enrolling in remote management will allow this iPad to be managed by: Tobii Dynavox.
  24. Select the Nextoption in the upper right corner.
  25. Configuring iPad
  26. Keep Your iPad up to Date
  27. Select Continue
  28. Location Services
  29. Enable or disable Services, Please choose one
  30. Screen Time
  31. Continue or setup later in Settings
  32. Appearance
  33. Light or Dark
  34. Welcome to iPad
  35. ChooseGet Started

The iPad will open to the main screen. Wait several minutes for the Tobii Dynavox Apps to download.
The icons will appear, greyed out, but will show they are loading.