How do I Adjust Gaze Interaction Settings within ALL?

octubre 03, 2017

Gaze Interaction Settings Gaze Interaction Settings will only appear if you have a compatible eye tracker on your device (i.e. iSeries, PCEye Go, etc.).

View Track Status
Opens the Track Status viewer where you can verify that the Gaze Interaction software recognizes the user’s eyes and that the user is well positioned in front of the device.

The two dots that represent the user’s eyes should be in the middle of the viewer. The white triangle in the distance meter on the right side of the viewer should be near the center, in the green, when the optimal distance from the device is reached.

Start a New Calibration
Opens a screen that begins the calibration process. The software will automatically calibrate the user’s gaze as he or she follows the targets onscreen. When calibration is completed, a dialog will open with the results of the calibration.

Pause Eye Tracking
When this feature is enabled, a Pause icon appears onscreen - the user can temporarily stop gaze interaction to rest his or her eyes.

Activation Settings
Select an activation method:
Dwell Settings Dwell activation allows the user to select by directing their gaze consistently on an object for a set amount of time (dwell time). Select Dwell, then select the Settings button under Dwell. The Dwell Settings dialog will open. Select a dwell time.

Switch Settings Switch activation allows the user to select by pressing an accessory switch or keyboard key. Select Switch, then select the Settings button under Switch. A dialog will open. – Select an activation time. Then select OK. – Select the Wait Time tab, and select the time between switches. Then select OK. – Select the Switch tab, and select a switch input. (If you are not using the switch ports on the device.) Then select OK.

Blink Settings Blink activation allows the user to select by blinking their eyes for a set amount of time (blink time). Select Blink, then select the Settings button under Blink. A dialog will open. – Select a minimum blink time. Then select OK. – Select the Max. Time tab, then select a maximum blink time. Then select OK.

Select the Feedback tab on the Gaze Interaction Settings menu. Select a color, size, and type of feedback target to be used during use.

Windows Control
Select the Windows Control tab on the Gaze Interaction Settings menu to set the mode of desktop access.

Gaze Selection mode — makes it possible for the user to control a standard Windows desktop operating system with a twostep selection method, which reduces the risk of unwanted clicks.

Mouse Emulation mode — makes it possible for the user to emulate and control a standard PC mouse pointer on the screen.

Windows Control Tab Gaze Interaction Profile Select the Gaze Interaction Profile tab on the Gaze Interaction Settings menu. The Gaze Interaction profile tab is used to switch between different Gaze Interaction profiles. Profiles can be created using the Gaze Interaction Settings program on your desktop

Highlight Style and Color
1. Use the Highlight Style drop-down list to select how selected objects will visually stand out on the page. Highlight styles 1. No Highlight 2. Outline 3. Invert 4. Overlay
2. Select the Color button. The Color Selector dialog will open.
3. Select a highlight color. (You can also create a custom color using the Color Selector dialog.) For Overlay Highlight Style, set the opacity around 50%.