Finding and Using Boardmaker Activities-to-Go

noviembre 20, 2018

Boardmaker Activities-to-Go (BA2G) are free printable activities for everyone.  This includes educators, speech language pathologists, behavior specialists, and parents.

Note: This tutorial was created using Google Chrome. Steps 4-5 will look slightly different if using another browser.

Accessing Boardmaker Activities-to-Go

  1. Go to
  2. Hover over the Shop tab and Select Activities-to-Go.
  3. Scroll down to the unit you would like to download. Select the Green Title for the Level (or levels) you would like to download.
  4. If using Chrome, select Save on your computer. This will download the activities into a .zip folder on your computer. If using Internet Explorer or Firefox, Select Open or Save.
  5. Select the .zip folder in the bottom left corner of your screen.
  6. Select the activity you would like to open and print.
  7. Repeat step 6 to print and use additional activities.  

Accessing Editable versions of Boardmaker Activities to Go and Extension Activities through the Boardmaker Community

  1. From, select in the top menu bar. You can also type in your browser.
  2. Select Log in and log in with the email address and password associated with your Tobii Dynavox single sign on account.                Note: If you do not have an account, Select Register and follow the steps to create an account.
  3. From the Boardmaker Online homepage, hover over community and select Browse Groups.
  4. Search for Boardmaker Activities to Go in the Search bar and select Enter/Return on your keyboard.
  5. Select Boardmaker Activities to Go.
  6. Select Join Group.
If you have a Community Account, you will now be able to download Boardmaker Activities to Go, view Boardmaker Activities to Go activities, and view activities added by the Boardmaker Team or other community members.

If you have a Boardmaker Personal, Professional, or District account, you will now be able to edit, print, and assign Boardmaker Activities to Go activities and extension activities.

Click here to download the .pdf