Can we make the Text Cursor (line) size enlarged within Tobii Communicator?

julio 18, 2016

You can enlarge the text within Tobii Communicator. Follow these steps:

1. Choose a button or buttons that will serve to change the message window font size.
2. Right click on the button and choose "Button Actions..."
3. In the Button Actions window, choose the Message window tab and the "Set Message Window Font Size" command
4. A dialog box will open asking you to specify the font size. Choose the size you want.
5. If you do this on multiple buttons choosing a different font size on each button, then the end user can change the font size in the message window at will.

If you just want to change the font size of the message window without allowing the person to change it themselves, then
1. Select the message window by clicking on it.
2. Choose the font size that you want from Communicator's toolbar.