Adding students to your instructor with local admin account

octubre 01, 2018

  1. In the Students menu, select Student Management. 
  2. Scroll to the Add a Student box. Select Add Now. and complete the fields with Student ID, First Name, and Last Name of your student, and then select Check Global Roster. 
  3. Complete the fields with Student ID, First Name, and Last Name of your student, and then select Check Global Roster. 
    NOTE: If the student already exists in the district’s global roster, you will have the option to Add Existing Student to your instructor roster, or to Create New Student. This keeps you from adding the same student into the district account multiple times. You may share students with other instructors without duplicating student profiles.
  4. The full student profile form will open. Complete the fields of the student profile. 
  5. Important! Select the dropdown menu under Select an Instructor. Find and select your name.
  6. Click Add.
  7. To share the student with additional instructors, repeat and add their names as well.
The student will now appear in your roster in Student Management.