
Getting Started with AAC and Aphasia


Communication supports help a person with aphasia understand conversations better, engage socially, and self-cue natural speech when available. Don't know where to start? This session will help you understand resources available and begin using using communication supports with people with aphasia.

After registering for this event, you will immediately receive an email from your presenter containing details which include the link to join the training. If you don’t receive the email, please check your spam folder. We look forward to learning with you in our live virtual session. If you are unable to attend you can find similar content on our Learning Hub.

For questions emaillearning@tobiidynavox.com

Please note that courses are listed in Eastern Time (ET) America/New York

We strive to host inclusive and accessible events that enable all individuals to engage fully. Captioning in English is included for all of our trainings. To inquire about possible accommodations such an ASL interpreter or additional accessibility requests, please contact the Learning Team at learning@tobiidynavox.com

Tipo de entrenamiento

Lauren Taylor
Lauren is a Learning Consultant for Tobii Dynavox. She is also a Speech Language Pathologist with extensive experience treating clients in rehabilitation centers, hospitals, and schools. Initially joining Tobii Dynavox as a Solutions Consultant, she worked directly with SLPs and their clients to explore assistive technology solutions. Now, as a Learning Consultant, her focus lies in developing and delivering trainings to empower communicators and their partners.


19:00 - 20:00 CET


Reunión en línea


Getting Started with AAC and Aphasia

, 04, 2024 19:00 - 20:00 CET

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